
About Us

Our approach to building design is one of innovation.

We incorporate the rich and vibrant legacy of the UAE with modernistic non-traditional methods.
We believe people see buildings with emotion not logic and that each structure should tell a story, one waiting to enthrall and captivate those who encounter it.
With this in mind, we aim for the design and construction of a building to be enjoyed by people as part of an overall experience.


First Step

Define the Problem


Second Step

Brainstorm + Analyze


First Step

Develop A solution


We utilize the latest and most appropriate technology to achieve our goals, allowing us to incorporate multidimensional concepts when planning each level of a project. The resulting construction is efficient, on time and cost-effective. 

Our buildings are not merely projects but well-designed cohesions of technology and art. One of our key philosophies revolves around people as much as the structure. We look intently to the future while embracing our past."

Abdelaziz Kannoun
Al Shamsi


Abdelaziz Kannoun Al Shamsi was born in 1984 in the UAE. After earning his Bachelor’s Degree in Architectural Engineering from the United Arab Emirates University in 2010, he has built an impressive reputation as an architect and a man of vision.

He gained practical experience working for others while building a notable portfolio of successful projects. He recognized the value of attention to detail from the former and the visionary approach of the latter.

Abdelaziz has successfully delivered large-scale hospitality development projects. He had a key role in the design, development and delivery of a number of luxury hotel projects in Abu Dhabi, not to mention his contribution in the development of the prestigious Dessert Islands in Abu Dhabi, the type of projects that helped establish Abu Dhabi as the prime tourism destination in the region, all of this while maintaining excellent relationships with his clients and partners.